Euro Banknote Egypt Carrières des Lumières

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-{{ Math.floor(selectedVariant.prices.user.percent) }}%
From {{ lowestprice.prices.user.price_tax_display }} {{ lowestprice.prices.user.price_strike_tax_display }} {{ lowestprice.prices.user.label }}
{{ price.price_tax_display }} {{ price.label }}
Public price {{ lowestprice.prices.suggested.price_tax_display }} {{ lowestprice.prices.suggested.price_strike_tax_display }}
excl. taxes
{{ selectedVariant.prices.user.price_tax_display }} {{ selectedVariant.prices.user.price_strike_tax_display }} {{ selectedVariant.prices.user.label }}
{{ price.price_tax_display }} {{ price.label }}
Public price {{ selectedVariant.prices.suggested.price_tax_display }} {{ selectedVariant.prices.suggested.price_strike_tax_display }}
excl. taxes
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Sold by Culturespaces Exhibitions
Egyptian Pharaohs, from Cheops to Ramses II
Carrières des Lumières
Egyptian pharaohs selection


Discover the 0 euro tourist ticket, an exceptional souvenir and original gift of your visit to the Carrières des Lumières' immersive 2024 exhibition: "Egypt of the Pharaohs, from Khéops to Ramsès II".

Dimensions: 13.5 cm x 7.4 cm

Please note that tickets will be distributed randomly, and it will not be possible to choose a draw number.

Description & Features